Eco4Cloud, Raffaele Giordanelli is the new CEO

  • Eco4Cloud, Raffaele Giordanelli is the new CEO


RENDE (Cs, Italy) – Eco4Cloud, a spin-off from Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) and University of Calabria, has a new CEO, Raffaele Giordanelli, who has been head of the company since his foundation until August 2013. Giordanelli’s designation arrives after Roberto Mircoli resigned. Mircoli leaves Eco4Cloud for a leading international senior position after two years and after achieving an important series of successes in the offer definition and initial commercial development phases.

Raffaele Giordanelli, 32 years old, was one of the Eco4Cloud’s founders and he managed the first growth of the company, working in particular on prototyping business solutions, raising capitals (DPixel, Principia II and Tim Ventures invested in Eco4Cloud) and securing important clients. Now the company has important market relations with the most important players in data center and cloud business fields, as Telecom Italia, HP and VMware, which is one of Eco4Cloud’s technological partners.

This is a very important opportunity – Giordanelli says –and I’m very proud to help one of the most important Italian startups in growing faster and searching new customers. We are working on new and innovative solutions: in particular, we developed a remote system that allows our clients to evaluate how our algorithm works, how much they can save by using it and how performances increase on their virtual machines. We change the way they can use and test it: now they can directly download a software from our website and test it: this way, every company can verify with their own specialists, and even without our intervention, the benefits Eco4Cloud’s adoptions has, in terms of savings and performance increase”.

By introducing the new CEO, the company and his board want to thank Roberto Mircoli for what he did in these 2 years and for leading Eco4Cloud across major successes and commercial partnerships that have allowed it to become one of the most important Italian and European companies in the virtualization and data-center optimization areas.

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