

Horison2020 funds Eco4Cloud in Phase 2

EcoMultiCloud project has been approved by European Commission. Here all the details.
In this newsletter are also included an important interview on Opvizor’s Blog about memory balloning, a white paper about the benefits of consolidate OS in corporate datacenter and the announcement of an  important debate in Ambrosetti Technology Forum with Eco4Cloud CEO, Raffaele Giordanelli.


Maximixe your IT performance, download Eco4Cloud

Do you know how you can improve your IT infrastructure productivity, with better performances and economics with Eco4Cloud?
Now you can download Eco4Cloud and use it on your server farms: with our consolidation scenarios, you can immediately validate Eco4Cloud benefits, which include increased performances, higher virtual machines density and an excellent ROI.


Raffaele Giordanelli is the new CEO, white paper about resource contention and other important news from Eco4Cloud

Raffaele Giordanelli is the new Eco4Cloud CEO. There are other important news in this newsletter: a white paper about resource contention with E4C, made by our team, an article about how Patuano, CEO of Telecom Italia, consider Eco4Cloud “one of the most impressive italian startup” and a news about a new partnership between Intesa San Paolo and Eco4Cloud, selected for Tech MarketPlace.